Stanford M. Lyman Distinguished Book Award


This award was established in memory of Stan Lyman in order to honor MSSA members whose recently published work makes a significant contribution to the field of sociology.  Please consider nominating one of your colleagues for this prestigious award.  Keep in mind the following:

  • The book must be an original work (and can be sole authored or co-authored).
  • The work must have been published within the last three calendar years (during 2019 or since).
  • Textbooks and edited editions are not eligible.
  • The nominated book will be evaluated by the committee based of its sociological relevance, the extent to which it enhances the scholarship or ‘body’ of knowledge’ within the discipline and the inclusion of voices, standpoint and perspective that have often not been heard.
Include the following information in your nomination
  • The complete citation for the book (author/s, date published, title, publisher)
  • Author/s contact information (email, affiliation, phone number if possible).
  • Publisher contact information (e.g., contact person, phone number, email and ISBN)
  • A brief description of the book and how it addresses the points on which the committee will evaluate it.

Nomination information, as outlined above, should be sent (via email) to the Committee Chair, Dr. Theresa Davidson  (

After the nomination information is received, the committee chair will notify the publisher’s contact person of the acceptance of the nomination and provide addresses for the committee members who are to review the book.